Naresh M. Chadha, Nanda Poddar, Niall Madden, Kajal
Kumar Mondal. Numerical Modelling of Dispersion
of Suspended Particles in a Turbulent Open Channel
Flow: A Fitted Operator Approach. Emerging
Trends in Mathematical Sciences and
Computing. 2024.".
Róisín Hill and Niall Madden.
Layer-adapted meshes for singularly perturbed
problems via mesh partial differential equations and
a posteriori information.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications,
Volume 168, 2024, Pages 1-9.
(Open Access).
Ram Shiromani, Niall Madden,and V. Shanthi.
A finite difference scheme for two-dimensional singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem with discontinuous source term
Jan 2024. arXiv:2401.02331
Laura Loftus, Niall Madden, P. Anne Scott,
Aoife Cooke, and Nichola McNicholas.
The Gender Pay Gap and Irish Higher Education:
University of Galway, a Case Study.
Adm. Sci. 2023, 13(11), 239.
Scott P. MacLachlan, Niall Madden, Thái Anh Nhan.
A Boundary-Layer Preconditioner for Singularly Perturbed
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Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 43,
Iss. 2 (2022) 10.1137/21M1443297.
Róisín Hill and Niall Madden.
Generating layer-adapted meshes using mesh partial differential
Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 14 (2021), pp. 559-588.
DOI: 10.4208/nmtma.OA-2020-0187. Preprint
and and FEniCS code available
Nanda Poddar, Kajal Kumar Mondal and Niall Madden.
Layer-adapted meshes for solute dispersion in a steady flow
through an annulus with wall absorption: Application to a
catheterized artery.
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 33, 11-24 (2021).
Thái Anh Nhan and
Niall Madden.
An analysis of diagonal and incomplete Cholesky
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(2021). DOI: 10.1007/s12190-020-01390-z
Russell, Stephen, and Niall Madden.
An introduction to the analysis and implementation of sparse
grid finite element methods. Computational Methods in Applied
Mathematics 17, no. 2 (2017):
299-322. DOI: Source code is available from
P. Panaseti, A. Zouvani, N. Madden and
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Stephen Russell and Niall Madden.
A multiscale sparse grid technique for a
two-dimensional convection-diffusion problem
with exponential layers.Proc. BAIL 2014,
Vol 108 Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng. Springer (2016), 245-255.
Christos Xenophontos, Markus Melenk, Niall Madden,
Lisa Oberbroeckling, Pandelitsa Panaseti, and Antri Zouvani.
hp Finite Element Methods for Fourth Order
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Dimov, Faragó, Vulkov (Eds.): Proc. NAA
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N. Madden
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J. Brandts, J. Chleboun, S. Korotov, K. Segeth, J.
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Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 2012, ISBN 978-80-85823-60-8, pp.188--196.
C.G. Enright, M.G. Madden, N. Madden and J.G. Laffey.
Clinical Time Series Data Analysis Using Mathematical Models and
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Naresh M. Chadha and Niall Madden,
A two-weight scheme for a time-dependent
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In C. Carmelo, J. L. Gracia, and F. J. Lisbona, (eds), BAIL 2010 -
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[Full text at]
Niall Madden and Kajal Kumar Mondal.
Improved mathematical and numerical modelling of dispersion of a solute from
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Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods,
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[Full text at]
C.G. Enright,
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Fang Liu, Niall Madden, Martin Stynes, and Aihui Zhou, A two-scale
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M. Stephens and N. Madden, A Parameter-Uniform Schwarz Method for a Coupled
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R. Bruce Kellogg, Niall Madden and
Martin Stynes, A parameter-robust
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Abstract. DOI: 10.1002/num.20265
T. Linß
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Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Volume 23, Issue 6, 1290--1300, 2007. Abstract.
J. Newell,
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Model free endurance markers based on the
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T. Linß
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Abstract. DOI: 10.1007/s00607-004-0065-3
N. Madden and M. Stynes,
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problems, Int. J. Numer. Methods Engrg. 40 (1997), 565-576. Gzipped postscript
R. Bruce Kellogg, N. Madden, and Martin Stynes, On the numerical
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P. Vabishchevich, L. Vulkov (eds.), Finite Difference Methods: Theory and Applications. Pro. IVth Int. Conf. FDM: T&A (Lozenetz, Bulgaria, 26-29 August 2006), Rousse 2007, 252-257.
N. Kopteva, N. Madden
M. Stynes,
On equidistribution for reaction-diffusion problems, in Numerical
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& G. I. Shishkin, eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Workshop,
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Numerical Methods for the Accurate Solution of Singularly
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Mathematics, University College Cork, Ireland. 1996. Supervisor: Prof. Martin Stynes.
Numerical Methods for Wave-Current interactions, Ph.D., Dept of
Mathematics, NUI Cork, Ireland, 2000. Supervisor:
Martin Stynes.
ENTCS Volume
74. The Second Irish Conference on the Mathematical
Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (MFCSIT
2002) Galway, Ireland, 18th and 19th of July 2002. Online
Publication Date: October 2003 Guest Editors: Sharon Flynn, Ted
Hurley, Micheal Mac an Airchinnigh, Niall Madden, Michael McGettrick,
Michel Schellekens and Anthony Seda.